domingo, 3 de agosto de 2008

Trip to Ile in Zambezia

In July, I was invited to go on a trip with a team from Brazil that came to visit various missionary work in Mozambique. Some of the team members were part of Pronasce and others were field candidates.

Ile is a community located in the Zambezia Province about 750kms from Chimoio. We visited this community where we stayed for 1 week, ministering the word of God, and it was a great time for the team as well as for the community. All the team members were able to minister and testify. We also learned a lot from the simple life in the community and their culture. This trip was one of the most life changing for me. Below are some pictures of our time in Ile.

A little snack break because no one is made of iron

Waiting for 4hrs to cross the Zambezi river

Welcomed by the locals at 10pm with singing and dancing

Sleeping in tents

Sunday fellowship

Meeting with the local leaders by a fire

Distributing clothes to the local people

Distributing clothes

Photo with the leaders after the seminer ended

Local transportation (river full of crocodiles)

Beatiful sunset in Ile

Time of ministering

Having our meal, chima (local food) with meat curry

Teaching local leaders from different churches

Ministering about christian leadership

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